Friday, March 18, 2011

My New Favorite Toy


Last Christmas, my Husband and I decided that we would focus on the kids and skip each other when it came to gifts.  After all, we just purchased our first home and that came with some other expenses as well.  So, when we finished our taxes and realized we would be receiving a pretty good refund, we decided to get our Christmas gifts a bit late this year.  My first thoughts when trying to decide what I wanted to do with my portion was to purchase a Silhouette.  I had fallen in love with my mom’s and all that it could do, I just needed to get my own.  So, I did, and I am having so much fun with it!  No tutorials today, just excited to show off some of my newest projects!

193945_10150183405910281_535250280_8971279_2429009_o Purchased the Jars at Wal-Mart for about $6 each.  Now my baking station looks so much prettier :)

192353_10150183405570281_535250280_8971272_5249979_o Our old cookie jar (yep, the same jar from Wal-Mart) got a bit of updating as well.

176813_10150183406595281_535250280_8971288_842445_o Even the front door needs a bit of love…

192739_10150183406345281_535250280_8971286_305982_o Chloe’s been asking for her name on her door for a while now, so this is what I came up with…  She LOVES the fact that she is a ballerina, and Phoebe is the little sister.

195006_10150183406170281_535250280_8971283_7576148_o I came across this menu plate on a blog and loved it!  The plate came from Wal-Mart, and the easel came from Hobby Lobby (which just opened up 10 miles from my house… I am in trouble now :) ).  Just write your menu with a dry erase marker and it wipes right off.  I’m having a lot of fun, and can’t wait to get some more projects done…


1 comment:

  1. LOVE them all. I need to do more with mine. You did a great job on all!
